7 Quick Ways to Grow Your Email List

I've said it once and I'll say it again - email marketing is queen when it comes to digital marketing and conversions for your business. Your list will never go away, never get deleted and is full of current and potential customers that have willingly signed up to get more information from you. An organic email list is a relationship-building tool that will work for you over and over again. We love social media as much as the next agency, but a recent study found that email is nearly 40 times more effective in obtaining new customers than social media. What are you waiting for?! We're doubling down on email for our clients so they can reap the rewards of leveraging this important marketing channel.

Keep reading to see a few of our favorite ways we're growing our client's email lists to ensure every time we click send on email we're driving conversions for their business.

  1. Create a Lead Magnet: Create valuable content that your target audience will find interesting and useful. Provide an incentive for people to sign up, such as free shipping, a smart resource or a small discount off of a first purchase.

  2. Ask For What You Want: Use a clear and prominent call-to-action (CTA) on your website and social media profiles prompting users to subscribe. I love adding my incentive form into our client's link in bio so it's always there as a list-gathering tool.

  3. Pop Ups: Use pop-ups or opt-in forms on your website to encourage visitors to subscribe. We love an exit intent pop up; it's an extra step beyond your initial welcome pop-up that captures subscribers prior to a user moment before clicking off of your site.

  4. Attend Events: Collect email addresses at networking events, conferences and other events by offering a prize or incentive for signing up. We typically create a QR code sign up to easily capture email addresses for our clients but good old-fashioned pen and paper works too! Either way, just get the email!

  5. Partner to Grow: Partner with other businesses or influencers to co-promote each other's email lists. My agency has been built upon strategic partnerships and collaborations. Get your business in front of other people's audiences and create a mutually beneficial partnership opportunity via a fun giveaway, contest or special collab offering.

  6. Referrals: Encourage current subscribers to refer their friends and family to your email list. There are a few great Shopify apps that can help do this for you! We utilize an app for this in all of our website builds for our clients.

  7. Mix it Up: Test and optimize your email sign-up forms and strategies to continuously improve your results. Create opt-ins for special moments like holidays, sales, etc. Don't let your site get stale - by making fresh changes to your opt-ins you can continue to gain more subscribers to convert later.

Have questions, or interested in learning more about how we can help your brand grow with a strategic email marketing program? Email hello@readypretty.com to get started!


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